潛力創作新星:RUEL 歌手介紹
今年 19 歲的 RUEL 在 12/8 釋出了他的新歌 〈Growing up is ____〉. 他的本名是 Ruel Vincent van Dijk,出生於英國倫敦並在澳洲長大。母親是英國人,而父親是在紐西蘭長大的荷蘭人,擔任澳洲 Eardrum 廣播公司的創始人。RUEL 在小的時候就展現了對音樂的興趣。小學擅長唱歌和彈吉他的他在學校表演活動和悉尼海灘上街頭表演時,就吸引了許多觀眾。
2015 年在 RUEL 的爸爸將他翻唱的歌寄給葛萊美音樂製作人 M-Phazes 後, M-Phazes 開始培養 RUEL 並在 2017 年發行了 RUEL 的首張官方單曲 〈Golden Years〉。英國搖滾樂唱作人 Elton John 和美國藍調歌手 Khalid 都曾經讚賞 RUEL 的才華。Ruel 也曾在 Khalid、英籍瑞典歌手 Mabel 和加拿大歌手 Shawn Mendes 的演唱會上擔任特別嘉賓。
歌曲介紹:RUEL – Growing up is ____
如同歌名,這首歌闡述成長之路的各種經驗。成長道路上我們會覺得很新奇、很感性、很害怕,各種不同的感覺參雜在一起。歌詞中唱道:「Growin’ up is weird/ sleep with friends/ break a heart/ Question everything you thought/ Split a pill, smoke a dart」成長很奇怪,我們會談戀愛、心碎、質疑自己的想法、抽煙等,各種不同的行為、情緒和經歷在無形之中促使我們成長。從欣喜若狂,到徹底心碎,再到迷茫困惑的階段。成長,是大家無可避免、獨一無二的必經之路。
而歌名 〈Growing up is ____〉 底線部分為開放式的填空。RUEL 在訪談中表示「標題最後畫底線是為了要解釋每個人都有不同的成長經驗。每個人都有自己的起起落落,但是這些經驗並非一件事,所以我很難用一個字來代表。因此我決定將它留白讓大家用自己的方式闡述。」
Gayle – abcdefu|歌詞翻譯與歌曲介紹|跟你有關的所走人都滾開,除了你家的狗
RUEL – Growing up is ____|歌詞翻譯
Heard you moved out of town on the weekend
Understand, but I’m sad that you’re leaving
我能理解 但你的離開讓我很難過
Are you up making friends with the ceiling?
Yeah, I know the feeling
嗯 我知道那種感覺
I wasn’t trying to let you down
I was just working my shit out
I’m sorry I didn’t know how much I led you on
對不起 我不知道我對你的誤導有多大
Growin’ up is weird, sleep with friends, break a heart
成長很怪異 和朋友上床 經歷心碎
Question everything you thought
Split a pill, smoke a dart
切開藥丸 抽根煙
Growin’ up is weird, fall in love for a year
成長很怪異 相愛一年後
And then I disappear, wish that you were here
我迷失了方向 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growin’ up is strange, get too close, push away
成長很新奇 靠的太近 又將別人推開
Thinking you would do the same
No regrets, no mistakes
不後悔 不犯錯
Growin’ up is strange when the one who’s to blame
成長很新奇 當那個不該被責備的人
Is lookin’ at the mirror, wish that you were here
看著鏡子時 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growing up is
成長是 ______
Get emotional at two in the morning
It’s a habit, know I shouldn’t be callin’
這是一種習慣 我知道我不應該打電話
Then you let me in, is that what you wanted?
但你還是接納我 這是你想要的嗎?
Is this what we wanted?
Now you’re back in town, no, I can’t come around
現在你回到小鎮了 不 我不能改變我的主意
Are we better without the what ifs and doubts
Is this it?
Are we both too far gone to forget
And try again?
Growin’ up is weird, sleep with friends, break a heart
成長很怪異 和朋友上床 經歷心碎
Question everything you thought
Split a pill, smoke a dart
切開藥丸 抽根煙
Growin’ up is weird, fall in love for a year
成長很怪異 相愛一年後
And then I disappear, wish that you were here
我迷失了方向 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growing up is strange, get too close, push away
成長很新奇 靠的太近 又將別人推開
Thinking you would do the same
No regrets, no mistakes
不後悔 不犯錯
Growin’ up is strange when the one who’s to blame
成長很新奇 當那個不該被責備的人
Is lookin’ at the mirror, wish that you were here
看著鏡子時 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growin’ up is
成長是 ______
Wish that you were here (oh)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (wish that you were, wish that you were here)
Growin’ up is weird, sleep with friends, break a heart
成長很怪異 和朋友上床 經歷心碎
Question everything you thought
Split a pill, smoke a dart
切開藥丸 抽根煙
Growin’ up is weird, fall in love for a year
成長很怪異 相愛一年後
And then I disappear, wish that you were here
我迷失了方向 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growin’ up is strange, get too close, push away
成長很新奇 靠的太近 又將別人推開
Thinking you would do the same
New regrets, new mistakes
不後悔 不犯錯
Growin’ up is strange when the one who’s to blame
成長很新奇 當那個不該被責備的人
Is lookin’ at the mirror, wish that you were here
看著鏡子時 希望你在我身邊陪伴我
Growin’ up is weird
Oh, yeah, yeah, hey
Oh, then I just disappear
Oh, will I just disappear?
Wish that you were here
Growing up is
成長是 ______